
Maintenance Notification Tech Object | view: CMAINTNTFTETP | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Plant Maintenance
Tables used: QMIH
Column Name Description
MaintenanceNotification Notification Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
MalfunctionStartDate Start of Malfunction (Date)
MalfunctionStartTime Start of Malfunction (Time)
MalfunctionEndDate End of Malfunction (Date)
MalfunctionEndTime End of Malfunction (Time)
Column Name Description
MaintenanceObjectIsDown Breakdown Indicator Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
MaintenanceOrder Order Number AUFNR
MaintObjectDowntimeDuration Breakdown Duration FLTP
TextObjectCategory Texts: application object TDOBJECT
TextObjectType Text ID TDID
MaintNotifLongTextForEdit Long Text
MalfunctionEffect Effect on Operation AUSWK
MaintNotificationCatalog Catalog Type - Coding QKATART
MaintNotificationCode Coding QCODE
MaintNotificationCodeGroup Code Group - Coding QCODEGRP
CatalogProfile Catalog Profile RBNR
MaintNotifDetectionCatalog Detection Method Profile DETECTIONCATALOG
MaintNotifDetectionCodeGroup Detection Method Group DETECTIONGROUP
MaintNotifDetectionCode Detection Method DETECTIONCODE