ParentDraftKey | NodeID | /BOBF/CONF_KEY | |
JITLifecycleStatusText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
JITLifeCycleStatusCriticality | null | | |
JITCallType | Call Type | | |
JITCallTypeText | Short Text for Fixed Values | | |
VehicleIdentificationNumber | Vehicle Identification Number (Vehicle Identification No.) | | |
JITPlannedOrderNumber | JIT Planned Order | | |
JITVehicleSeqDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | | |
JITIntSequenceNumber | Internal Sequence Number | | |
VehicleModel | Vehicle Model | | |
JITCallImmediateRequest | Indicator to denote the JIT call sent as Immediate Request | ABAP_BOOL | |
JITCallPriorityID | Delivery Priority | | |
JITCallPriorityTypeText | Description | | |
JITMissingPartFlag | Jit Material Stock Missing Parts | | |
JITMaterialStockMissingText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
CreationDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
LastChangeDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
LastChangedByUser | User Name | UNAME | |
LastChangedByUserDescription | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
JITExtSequenceNumber | External Sequence Number | | |
JITCallCreationModeText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
JITIntProcessingStatus | Internal Processing Status | | |
JITIntStatusUpdtdOn | Internal Processing Status Updated On | TZNTSTMPL | |
Material | Material Number | | |
RequirementDateTime | Requirement Date and Time | | |
JITSupplyDateTime | Supply Date and Time | TZNTSTMPL | |
WarehouseNumber | Destination EWM Warehouse number | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
JITControlCycle | Control Cycle | PKNUM | |
JITActionCtrl | Action Control | NJIT_ACT_CNTRL | |
CreatedByUser | User Name | UNAME | |
CreatedByUserDescription | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
StorageLocation | Storage location | | |
JITCallHasAlert | null | | |
JITCallProcessingLogID | null | | |
ProductionSupplyArea | Production Supply Area | PRVBE | |
JITOutbDestinationStorLoc | Destination Storage Location | LGORT | |
RequestedDeliveryDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
JITMissingPrtCriticality | null | | |
CompGrpNumber | Component Group Number | NJIT_COMP_GRP_NUM | |
CompGrpNumberForEdit | Component Group Number | NJIT_COMP_GRP_NUM | |
CompGrpMatl | Components Group Material | | |
ProductName | Product Description | TEXT40 | |
JITInternalStatusText | Internal Processing Status Description | TEXT40 | |
PlantName | Plant Name | TEXT30 | |
JITOutbStockTransferSts | Stock Transfer status | | |
JITStockTransferStsText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
StorageLocationName | Storage Location Name | TEXT16 | |
ProductionSupplyAreaName | Production Supply Area Name | TEXT40 | |
MRPControllerName | MRP Controller Name | TEXT18 | |
EWMWarehouse | Warehouse Number/Warehouse Complex | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
WarehouseName | Description | /SCWM/DO_DESC40 | |
JITPlanningProcedureText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
StorageTypeName | Description | | |
StorageBin | Destination Storage Bin | /SCWM/LGPLA | |
JITExternalReplenishment | JIT External Replenishment Indicator | ABAP_BOOL | |
DeliveryStatus | Delivery Creation Status | | |
SourceStorageBin | Source Storage Bin | /SCWM/LGPLA | |
SourceStorageType | null | | |
JITSourceWarehouseNumber | Source EWM Warehouse Number | /SCWM/LGNUM | |
JITInternalReplenishment | JIT External Replenishment Indicator | ABAP_BOOL | |
AutomotiveLoadingPoint | Loading Point | | |
Supplier | Account Number of Supplier | | |
SupplierName | Name of Supplier | TEXT80 | |
BusinessPartner | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
BusinessPartner1 | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |
BusinessPartner2 | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | |