- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Accounts Payable (FI-AP)
- Accounts Receivable (FI-AR)
- Additional Functions (FI-AF)
- Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
- Bank Accounting (FI-BL)
- Central Finance (FI-CF)
- Consolidation (FI-LC)
- Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)
- Convergent Contract Accounting (FI-CAC)
- Financial Supply Chain Management (FIN-FSCM)
- Collections Management (FIN-FSCM-COL)
- Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR)
- Digital Payments (FIN-FSCM-DP)
- Direct Bank Communication (FIN-FSCM-BNK)
- Dispute Management (FIN-FSCM-DM)
- Financial Risk Management for Commodities (FIN-FSCM-CMM)
- One Exposure (FIN-FSCM-FQM)
- Payment Factory (FIN-FSCM-PF)
- SAP Cash Management (FIN-FSCM-CLM)
- Treasury and Risk Management (FIN-FSCM-TRM)
- Fiori UI for Financial Accounting (FI-FIO)
- Fiori UI for Financials (FIN-FIO)
- Funds Management (FI-FM)
- General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)
- Localization (FI-LOC)
- Predictive Accounting (FI-PRA)
- Real-Time Consolidation (FIN-RTC)
- Revenue Accounting (FI-RA)
- S4HANA Financial Consolidation[Cloud] (FIN-CS)
- SAP Simple Finance data migration (FIN-MIG)
- Special Purpose Ledger (FI-SL)
- Tax Subledger (FI-TXL)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Investment Management (IM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Legal Content Management (LCM)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Transportation Management (TM)
Position Values
| Extraction:
Not supported
| Component: Treasury and Risk Management
Tables used:
- 🔑 Keys
- 💰 Amounts (125)
- ∑ Quantities
- 📅 Dates (5)
- ☰ Categorical (12)
- Other (67)
- 🔗 Relations (35)
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description | |
💲 Nominal Currency (NominalCurrency): | ||
NominalAmountInNominalCurrency | Nominal Amount | |
OriglNominalAmtInNominalCrcy | Original Nominal Amount | |
💲 Position Currency (PositionCurrency): | ||
ClearingAmountInPositionCrcy | Clearing Component in Position Currency | |
PurchaseValueInPositionCrcy | Purchase Value in Position Currency | |
SecurityValuationAmtInPosCrcy | Security Valuation in Position Currency | |
CostInPositionCurrency | Costs in Position Currency | |
SecurityCostValnAmtInPosCrcy | Valuation of Cap. Costs, Security, in Position Currency | |
AmortizationAmtInPositionCrcy | Amortization in Position Currency | |
ClrdPremDiscDefrlTxCompnAmount | Cleared PD Deferral/Tax Compensation in Position Currency | |
IndexValuationAmountInPosCrcy | Index Valuation in Position Currency | |
PurValDeferralItmAmtInPosCrcy | Deferral Item for Purchase Value in Position Currency | |
VariationMarginAmountInPosCrcy | Variation Margin in Position Currency | |
OCISecurityValnAmountInPosCrcy | Security Valuation, Not Affecting P/L, in Position Currency | |
OCIIndexValnAmountInPosCrcy | Index Valuation, Not Affecting P/L, in Position Currency | |
OCIScrtyCostValnAmtInPosCrcy | Valuation of Cap. Costs, Sec., Not Aff. P/L in Position Crcy | |
AccruedInterestInPositionCrcy | Accrued Interest (Position Component) in Position Currency | |
NegttnSpreadAmtznAmtInPosCrcy | Amortized Negotiation Spread in Position Currency | |
CumltvRepaymentAmountInPosCrcy | Cumulative Repayment in Position Currency | |
SwapAccrualAmountInPosCurrency | Swap/Margin Accrual/Deferral in Position Currency | |
ImpairmentAmountInPositionCrcy | Impairment in Position Currency | |
HedgeAmortizationAmtInPosCrcy | Hedge Amortization in Position Currency | |
GainValueAdjmtAmountInPosCrcy | Value Adjustment of Gains in Position Currency | |
LossValueAdjmtAmountInPosCrcy | Value Adjustment of Losses in Position Currency | |
OriginalValueAdjmtAmtInPosCrcy | Original Value Adjustment in Position Currency | |
CapitalizationRsrvInPosCrcy | Capitalization Reserve in Position Currency | |
CnsldtdScrtyGainAmtInPosCrcy | Consolidated Security Gains in Position Currency | |
CnsldtdScrtyLossAmtInPosCrcy | Consolidated Security Losses in Position Currency | |
InterestIncomeInPositionCrcy | Interest Income in Position Currency | |
EffctvAmtInPosCrcy | Effective Amount in Position Currency | |
IneffctvAmtInPosCrcy | Ineffective Amount in Position Currency | |
EffctvCostHdggRsrvInPosCrcy | Effective/Cost of Hedging Reserve in Position Currency | |
IneffctvHdggRsrvPnLInPosCrcy | Ineffective/Hedging Rsrv Through Profit & Loss in Pos Crcy | |
EffctvHdggRsrvPnLInPosCrcy | Effective/Hedging Rsrv Through Profit & Loss in Pos. Crcy | |
IneffctvCostHdgRsrvPnLPosCrcy | Ineffective/Cost of Hdg Rsrv Through Profit & Loss in PC | |
EffctvCostHdgRsrvPnLInPosCrcy | Effective/Cost of Hdg Rsrv Thr. Profit & Loss in Pos. Crcy | |
SecurityWriteUpAmountInPosCrcy | Security Write-Up in Position Currency | |
SecurityWriteDownAmtInPosCrcy | Security Write-Down in Position Currency | |
ScrtyCostWriteUpAmtInPosCrcy | Write-Up of Capitalized Costs, Security Val. in Pos.Crcy | |
ScrtyCostWriteDownAmtInPosCrcy | Write-Down of Capitalized Costs, Security Valn in Pos. Crcy | |
IndexWriteUpAmountInPosCrcy | Index Write-Up in Position Currency | |
IndexWriteDownAmountInPosCrcy | Index Write-Down in Position Currency | |
IndexCleanClearingAmtInPosCrcy | Clearing Component, Index Clean, in Position Crcy | |
IndexCleanPurchaseValInPosCrcy | Purchase Value, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IdxCleanScrtyValnAmtInPosCrcy | Security Valuation, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IndexCleanCostInPositionCrcy | Costs, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IndexClnScrtyCostValuationAmt | Valuation of Cap. Costs, Security, Index-Clean, in Pos. Crcy | |
IndexCleanAmtznAmountInPosCrcy | Amortization, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IdxClnClrdPremDiscDeferralAmt | Cleared PD Deferral/Tax Compensation in PC: Index-Clean | |
IdxClnPurValDefrlAmtInPosCrcy | Deferral Item for Purchase Value, Index-Clean, in Pos.Crcy | |
IdxClnOCIScrtyValnAmtInPosCrcy | Security Valuation, Not Affecting P/L, Index-Clean, in PC | |
IdxClnOCIScrtyCostValuationAmt | Val.of Cap.Costs, SE, Not Aff.P/L, Index-Clean, in Pos.Crcy | |
IndexCleanNegttnAmtznInPosCrcy | Amort. Negotiation Spread, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IndexCleanRpaytAmtInPosCrcy | Cumulative Repayment, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IndexCleanInterestIncInPosCrcy | Interest Income, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IdxCleanHedgeAmtznAmtInPosCrcy | Hedge Amortization, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IndexCleanImprmtAmtInPosCrcy | Impairment, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
BookValueAmtInPositionCurrency | Book Value in Position Currency | |
CostExcldBookValueAmtInPosCrcy | Book Value Excluding Costs in Position Currency | |
AcquisitionAmtInPositionCrcy | Acquisition Value in Position Currency | |
AmortizedAcqnAmountInPosCrcy | Amortized Acquisition Value in Position Currency | |
IndexClnBookValueAmtInPosCrcy | Book Value, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IdxClnCostExcldBookValueAmount | Book Value Excluding Costs, Index-Clean, in Position Crcy | |
IndexCleanAcqnAmountInPosCrcy | Acquisition Value, Index-Clean, in Position Currency | |
IdxCleanAmtzdAcqnAmtInPosCrcy | Amortized Acquisition Value, Index-Clean, in Position Crcy | |
💲 Valuation Currency (ValuationCurrency): | ||
ClearingAmountInValuationCrcy | Clearing Component in Valuation Currency | |
PurchaseValueInValuationCrcy | Purchase Value in Valuation Currency | |
SecurityValuationAmtInValnCrcy | Security Valuation in Valuation Currency | |
ForeignCrcyValnAmtInValnCrcy | Foreign Currency Valuation in Valuation Currency | |
CostInValuationCurrency | Costs in Valuation Currency | |
SecurityCostValnAmtInValnCrcy | Valuation of Cap. Costs, Security, in Valuation Currency | |
FrgnExchCostValnAmtInValnCrcy | Valuation of Capitalized Costs, FX, in Valuation Currency | |
AmortizationAmtInValuationCrcy | Amortization in Valuation Currency | |
ClrdPremDiscDefrlAmtInValnCrcy | Cleared PD Deferral/Tax Compensation in Valuation Currency | |
IndexValuationAmountInValnCrcy | Index Valuation in Valuation Currency | |
PurValDeferralItmAmtInValnCrcy | Deferral Item for Purchase Value in Valuation Currency | |
VariationMarginAmtInValnCrcy | Variation Margin in Valuation Currency | |
OCIScrtyValnAmountInValnCrcy | Security Valuation, Not Affecting P/L, in Valuation Currency | |
OCIFrgnExchValnAmtInValnCrcy | Foreign Currency Valuation, Not Affecting P/L, in Val. Crcy | |
OCIIndexValnAmountInValnCrcy | Index Valuation, Not Affecting P/L, in Valuation Currency | |
OCIScrtyCostValnAmtInValnCrcy | Valuation of Cap. Costs, Sec., Not Aff. P/L in Val. Crcy | |
OCICostFXValnAmountInValnCrcy | Valuation of Cap. Costs, FX, Not Aff. P/L in Valuation Crcy | |
AccruedInterestInValuationCrcy | Accrued Interest in Valuation Currency | |
NegttnSpreadAmtznAmtInValnCrcy | Amortized Negotiation Spread in Valuation Currency | |
CumltvRepaymentAmtInValnCrcy | Cumulative Repayment in Valuation Currency | |
PurCrcySpotValnAmtInValnCrcy | Spot Valuation of Purchase Currency in Valuation Currency | |
SaleCrcySpotValnAmtInValnCrcy | Spot Valuation of Sale Currency in Valuation Currency | |
SwapAccrualAmountInValnCrcy | Swap or Margin Accrual/Deferral in Valuation Currency | |
SwapValuationAmountInValnCrcy | Swap Valuation in Valuation Currency | |
ImpairmentAmtInValuationCrcy | Impairment in Valuation Currency | |
HedgeAmortizationAmtInValnCrcy | Hedge Amortization in Valuation Currency | |
FrgnExchValnDiffAmtInValnCrcy | Foreign Exchange Valuation Differences | |
GainValueAdjmtAmountInValnCrcy | Value Adjustment of Gains in Valuation Currency | |
LossValueAdjmtAmountInValnCrcy | Value Adjustment of Losses in Valuation Currency | |
OriginalValAdjmtAmtInValnCrcy | Original Value Adjustment in Valuation Currency | |
CapitalizationRsrvInValnCrcy | Capitalization Reserve in Valuation Currency | |
FXValnAmtzdAcqnAmtInValnCrcy | FX Valuation of Amort. Acquisition Value in Valuation Crcy | |
ForeignExchImprmtAmtInValnCrcy | FX Impairment in Valuation Currency | |
CnsldtdScrtyGainAmtInValnCrcy | Consolidated Security Gains in Valuation Currency | |
CnsldtdScrtyLossAmtInValnCrcy | Consolidated Security Losses in Valuation Currency | |
CnsldtdForExGainAmtInValnCrcy | Consolidated FX Gains in Valuation Currency | |
CnsldtdForExLossAmtInValnCrcy | Consolidated FX Losses in Valuation Currency | |
InterestIncomeInValuationCrcy | Interest Income in Valuation Currency | |
EffctvAmtInValnCrcy | Effective Amount in Valuation Currency | |
IneffctvAmtInValnCrcy | Ineffective Amount in Valuation Currency | |
EffctvCostHdggRsrvInValnCrcy | Effective/Cost of Hedging Reserve in Valuation Currency | |
IneffctvHdggRsrvPnLInValnCrcy | Ineffective/Hedging Rsrv Through Profit & Loss in Vln Crcy | |
EffctvHdggRsrvPnLInValnCrcy | Effective/Hedging Rsrv Through Profit & Loss in Vln Crcy | |
IneffctvCostHdgRsrvPnLValnCrcy | Ineffective/Cost of Hdg Rsrv Through Profit & Loss in VC | |
EffctvCostHdgRsrvPnLInValnCrcy | Effective/Cost of Hdg Rsrv Thr. Profit & Loss in Vln Crcy | |
SecurityWriteUpAmtInValnCrcy | Security Write-Up in Valuation Currency | |
ScrtyWriteDownAmtInValnCrcy | Security Write-Down in Valuation Currency | |
FrgnExchWriteUpAmtInValnCrcy | Forex Write-Up in Valuation Currency | |
FrgnExchWriteDownAmtInValnCrcy | Forex Write-Down in Valuation Currency | |
ScrtyCostWriteUpAmtInValnCrcy | Write-Up of Capitalized Costs, Security Val. in Val.Crcy | |
ScrtyCostWrtDownAmtInValnCrcy | Write-Down of Capitalized Costs, Security Valn in Val.Crcy | |
FrgnExchCostWrtUpAmtInValnCrcy | Write-Up of Capitalized Costs, FX Valuation in Val.Crcy | |
FXCostWriteDownAmtInValnCrcy | Write-Down of Capitalized Costs, FX Valuation in Val.Crcy | |
IndexWriteUpAmountInValnCrcy | Index Write-Up in Valuation Currency | |
IndexWriteDownAmtInValnCrcy | Index Write-Down in Valuation Currency | |
BookValueAmountInValnCurrency | Book Value in Valuation Currency | |
CostExcldBookValAmtInValnCrcy | Book Value Excluding Costs in Valuation Currency | |
AcquisitionAmountInValnCrcy | Acquisition Value in Valuation Currency | |
AmortizedAcqnAmountInValnCrcy | Amortized Acquisition Value in Valuation Currency | |
💲 Designated Nominal Currency (DesignatedNominalCurrency): | ||
DesignatedAmountInNominalCrcy | Designated Nominal Amount | |
DesignatedOrigAmtInNominalCrcy | Designated Original Nominal Amount |
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description | |
KeyDate | null | |
TermStartDate | Term Start | |
TrsyPositionLotCreationDate | Lot Creation Date | |
TrsyPositionLotCreationTime | Lot Creation Time | |
TermEndDate | Term End |
Column Name | Description | |
FinInstrProductGroup | Financial Instrument Product Group | Show values |
HedgingRelationshipStatus | Hedging Relationship Status | Show values |
HedgingRelationshipCategory | Hedging Relationship Category | Show values |
TreasuryPositionLongShortCode | Code: Long or Short Position | Show values |
SecurityClassIsListed | Indicator: Listed on an Exchange | Show values |
SecurityClassStockCategory | Stock Category | Show values |
TreasuryPositionIsNotZero | Indicates whether Position is Zero at Key Date | Show values |
TreasuryPosAssetLiabilityCode | Assets/Liabilities Position | Show values |
TrsyDerivedBusTransacIsUpdated | Status of Derived Business Transactions | Show values |
SecurityClassIsPledgeable | Indicator pledgeable | Show values |
ListedDerivativeCategory | Options/futures category | Show values |
OptionPutCallCode | Put/Call Indicator | Show values |
Column Name | Description | Domain name | |
FinancialInstrProdTypeName | Name of the Product Type | TEXT30 | |
TreasuryValuationAreaName | Name of the Valuation Area | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
TreasuryValuationClassName | Name of the Valuation Class | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
TrsySubPosition | Globally Unique Identifier | SYSUUID | |
IsFreestanding | null | ||
HedgedItem | Hedged Item Number | FTR_GEN_HITEM_NUMBER | |
HedgedItemName | Hedged Item Description | FTR_GEN_HITEM_DESCR | |
HedgedItemFiscalYear | Fiscal Year of Hedged Item | GJAHR | |
HedgingInstr | Hedging Instrument Number | FTR_GEN_HINST_NUMBER | |
HedgingInstrumentName | Hedging Instrument Description | FTR_GEN_HINST_DESCR | |
HedgingInstrumentFiscalYear | Fiscal Year of Hedging Instrument | GJAHR | |
HedgingRelationship | Hedging Relationship Number (External/Internal) | TPM_HREL_NUMBER | |
HedgingRelationshipName | Hedging Relationship Description | TPM_HREL_DESCR | |
HedgingRelationshipFiscalYear | Fiscal Year of Hedging Relationship | GJAHR | |
FinancialExposureItem | Exposure Item ID | TOE_EXPOSURE_ITEM_ID | |
FinancialExposureSubItem | Exposure Subitem ID | TOE_EXPOSURE_SUBITEM_ID | |
CompanyCodeName | Name of Company Code or Company | TEXT25 | |
SecurityAccountName | Name of the Security Account | XLDEPO | |
TreasuryPositionLot | Identifier of the Lot | SYSUUID | |
TrsyPositionLongShortCodeName | Name of the Code: Long or Short Position | TEXT20 | |
CentralClearingAccount | Central Clearing Account | FTR_GEN_CNTRL_CLEARING_ACCOUNT | |
SecurityClassName | Name of the Security Class | XKBEZ | |
SecurityClassDescription | Description of the Security Class | XLBEZ | |
SecurityAccountGroupName | Name of Securities Account Group | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
LoanContractName | Name of the Loan Contract | XTEXT50 | |
SecurityClassStockCategoryName | Name of the Stock Category | TEXT30 | |
SecurityClassQuotationName | Name of the Security Class Quotation | TEXT60 | |
FinancialInstrTransTypeName | Name of Financial Instrument Transaction Type | T_XTEXT30 | |
FinancialInstrCharacteristic | Financial Instrument Free Characteristic | CHAR25 | |
FinancialInstrumentAssignment | Free Assignment of Financial Transaction | TEXT18 | |
FinancialInstrumentReference | Financial Instrument Free Internal Reference | CHAR16 | |
LetterOfCredit | Letter of Credit Number | FTR_LC_NUMBER | |
TreasuryAdvisingBank | Advising Bank | BU_PARTNER | |
TreasuryAdvisingBankName | Treasury Advising Bank Name | BU_NAME | |
TreasuryApplicant | Applicant | BU_PARTNER | |
TreasuryApplicantName | Treasury Applicant Name | BU_NAME | |
TreasuryBeneficiary | Beneficiary | BU_PARTNER | |
TreasuryBeneficiaryName | Treasury Beneficiary Name | BU_NAME | |
TreasuryIssuingBank | Issuing Bank | BU_PARTNER | |
TreasuryIssuingBankName | Treasury Issuing Bank Name | BU_NAME | |
CommitmentBusinessPartner | Partner with Whom Commitment Exists | BU_PARTNER | |
TrsyPosManagementProcedureName | Name of the Position Management Procedure | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
TrsyPosValuationStepProcedure | Procedure for a Step | TPM_STEP_PROCEDURE | |
TrsyPosValnStepProcedureName | Name of the Procedure for a Step | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
TrsyPosFreeDefinedAttribute7 | Free Defined Attribute 7 | CHAR30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDefinedAttribute8 | Free Defined Attribute 8 | CHAR30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDefinedAttribute9 | Free Defined Attribute 9 | CHAR30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute1Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 1 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute2Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 2 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute3Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 3 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute4Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 4 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute5Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 5 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPosFreeDfndAttribute6Name | Name of the Free Defined Attribute 6 | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION30 | |
TrsyPositionLotCreatedByUser | Lot Entered By | SYCHAR12 | |
PosGenFinancialTransaction | Lot-Generating Transaction Number (Listed Derivatives) | T_RFHA | |
QuantityInPieces | null | ||
DesignatedQuantityInPieces | Designated Quantity in Pieces | FTR_GEN_UNITS | |
BusinessAreaName | Business Area Description | TEXT30 | |
CostCenterName | null | ||
TreasuryFinanceProject | Finance Project | T_TFPROJ | |
ProfitCenterName | null | ||
Issuer | Issuer Identity Key | BU_PARTNER | |
ScrtyClassGenClassfctnName | Name of the General Security Class Classification | XLBEZ | |
SecurityClassTransferTypeName | Name of the Security Class Transfer Type | XKBEZ | |
BondClassificationName | Classification of Bond - Long Name | XLBEZ | |
ListedDerivativeCategoryName | Name of Option/Future Category | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION | |
OptionPutCallCodeName | Options Put/Call Indicator Text | FTR_GEN_DESCRIPTION |
Master Data Relations | to Other Relations ↓ | Join Conditions |
Classification of Bonds
| |
Business Area
| |
Central Clearing Account Currency
| |
Company Code
| |
Controlling Area
| |
Cost Center
| |
Portfolio as Differentiation Characteristic
| |
Financial Instrument Transaction Type
| |
Product Type
| |
Financial Instrument Valuation Class
Transaction Number
| |
Hedging Classification
Issue Currency
| |
Loan Contract Number
| |
| |
Profit Center
| |
General Security Classification
| |
Security Account
| |
Security Class
| |
Security Type ID
| |
Account Assignment Reference of Position Management
Foreign Key Futures Account
Valuation Class
Free Defined Attribute 1
Free Defined Attribute 2
Free Defined Attribute 3
Free Defined Attribute 4
Free Defined Attribute 5
Free Defined Attribute 6
Position Management Procedure
Other Relations | to Master Data Relations ↑ | Join Conditions |
Securities Account Group
Trader / Back office clerk
| |
Accounting Code
Treasury Valuation Area