WarehouseName | Description | | |
IsHandlingUnitWarehouseTask | Handling Unit Warehouse Task | | |
WarehouseProcessType | Warehouse Process Type | | |
WarehouseProcessTypeName | Description | | |
WarehouseProcessCategory | Warehouse Process Category | | |
WarehouseProcessCategoryName | Description | | |
StorageProcess | Storage Process | | |
StorageProcessName | Description | | |
WarehouseTaskStatus | Warehouse Task Status | | |
WarehouseTaskStatusName | Short Text for Fixed Values | | |
WarehouseOrder | Warehouse Order Number | | |
WarehouseOrderStatus | Warehouse Order Status | | |
WarehouseOrderStatusName | Short Text for Fixed Values | | |
ActivityArea | Activity Area | | |
ActivityAreaName | Description | | |
Activity | Activity | | |
ActivityName | Description | | |
CreatedByUser | Created By | | |
WhseTaskCrtnUTCDateTime | Creation Time | | |
WarehouseTaskCodes | Calling Application/Special Function for WT Creation/Conf. | | |
ExecutingResource | Executing Resource (Means of Transport or User) | | |
WarehouseMovementsReason | Reason for Movements in the Warehouse | | |
ProductName | Product Number | | |
ProductDescription | Product Description | | |
Batch | Batch | | |
StockType | Stock Type | | |
StockDocumentCategory | Type: Sales Order Stock or Project Stock | | |
StockDocumentNumber | null | | |
StockItemNumber | null | | |
DocumentCategory | Doc. Category for Doc. Reference and Doc.-Related Stock | | |
StockUsage | Stock Usage | | |
StockOwner | Owner | | |
StockOwnerPartnerRole | Partner Role of Owner | | |
EntitledToDisposeParty | Party Entitled to Dispose | | |
EntitledToDisposePartnerRole | Partner Role of Party Entitled to Dispose | | |
CounterForStockSeparation | Counter for Stock Separation | | |
WhseTaskCapacityConsumption | Capacity Consumption | | |
PutAwayPhysInventoryIsPlanned | Truth Value: True/False | | |
WhseTaskLowStockCheckIsPlanned | Truth Value: True/False | | |
CountryOfOrigin | Country/Region of Origin | | |
StockIdentificationOfWhseTask | Stock Identification of Warehouse Task | | |
ConsolidationGroup | Consolidation Group | | |
SourceStorageTypeName | Description | | |
SourceHndlgUnitLogicalPosition | Source Logical Position of Handling Unit in Storage Bin | | |
SourceLocationType | Location Type | | |
SourceHandlingUnit | null | | |
DestinationStorageTypeName | Description | | |
DestHndlgUnitLogicalPosition | Destination Logical Position of Handling Unit in Storage Bin | | |
DestinationLocationType | Location Type | | |
WhseTaskDestStorageBinDtmndBy | Destination Storage Bin Determined By | | |
WhseTaskRefToValueAddedService | WT with Reference to a VAS | | |
BatchChangeIsNotAllowed | Changing the Batch is not Allowed | | |
ReferenceDocumentCategory | Doc. Category for Doc. Reference and Doc.-Related Stock | | |
EWMReferenceDeliveryDocType | Document Type | | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber | Document Number | | |
ReferenceDocumentItemNumber | null | | |
InboundDeliveryItemType | Item Type | | |
WhseTaskTwoStepPickingType | Warehouse Task Type Within Two-Step Picking | | |
WhseTaskTwoStepPickingRlvnce | Relevance for Two-Step Picking | | |
KitItemIsCreatedAutomatically | Create Kit Item in HU Automatically During Picking | | |
IsDocumentaryBatch | Truth Value: True/False | | |
ProductionSupplyArea | Production Supply Area | | |
ProductionOrder | null | | |
WhseTaskCrtnWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
WhseTaskCrtnWhseTmznYear | null | | |
WhseTaskCrtnWhseTmznMonth | null | | |
WhseTaskCrtnWhseTmznHour | null | | |
WhseTaskConfWhseTmznDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
WhseTaskConfWhseTmznYear | null | | |
WhseTaskConfWhseTmznMonth | null | | |
WhseTaskConfWhseTmznHour | null | | |
WhseTskPlndClsgWhseTmznDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
WhseTskPlndClsgWhseTmznYear | null | | |
WhseTskPlndClsgWhseTmznMonth | null | | |
WhseTskPlndClsgWhseTmznHour | null | | |
Kanban | Unique Kanban ID | | |
WhseTaskLastChgUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
ConfirmedByUser | null | | |
WhseTaskConfUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
WarehouseTaskExceptionCode | null | | |
ExceptionCodeName | Description | | |
BusinessContext | null | | |
BusinessContextName | Description | | |
BusinessContextExecutionStep | null | | |
BusinessContextExecStepName | Description | | |
WarehouseOrderCreationRuleName | Description | | |
WhseTaskOverdueHours | null | | |
WhseTaskOverdueHoursDesc | null | | |
HigherLevelWarehouseOrder | Warehouse Order Number of Higher-Level Warehouse Order | | |
WrhsOrdStrtUTCDateTime | Start Time | | |
SourceStorageBinTypeName | Description | | |
SourceStorageBinAisle | Storage Bin Aisle | | |
SourceStorageBinStack | Storage Bin Stack | | |
SourceStorageBinLevel | Storage Bin Level | | |
DestinationStorageBinTypeName | Description | | |
DestinationStorageBinAisle | Storage Bin Aisle | | |
DestinationStorageBinStack | Storage Bin Stack | | |
DestinationStorageBinLevel | Storage Bin Level | | |
NumberOfWarehouseTasks | null | | |
NumberOfWarehouseTaskItems | null | | |
ItemNetWeightInDisplayUnit | null | | |
ItemNetVolumeInDisplayUnit | null | | |
EWMWhseTaskConfDateIsToday | Confirmation Date of Warehouse Task Is Today | | |
EWMWhseTaskHasException | Warehouse Task Has Exceptions | | |