WarehouseName | Description | | |
TimeZoneID | Time Zone | | |
ReceivingOffice | Location Number | | |
MeansOfTransportType | Means of Transport | | |
MeansOfTransportTypeName | Means of Transport Description | | |
MeansOfTransport | Means-of-Transport ID | | |
DeliveryItemCategory | Item Category | | |
DeliveryItemCategoryName | Description | | |
DeliveryDocumentCategory | Document Category | | |
InboundDeliveryDocumentType | Document Type | | |
InbDeliveryDocumentTypeName | Description | | |
InboundDeliveryItemType | Item Type | | |
InboundDeliveryItemTypeName | Description | | |
WarehouseProcessType | Warehouse Process Type | | |
WarehouseProcessTypeName | Description | | |
WarehouseDoor | Warehouse Door | | |
StagingAreaGroup | Staging Area Group | | |
StagingArea | Staging Area | | |
StagingBay | Staging Bay | | |
GoodsMovementBin | Storage Bin of Goods Movement Posting | | |
Product | Product | | |
ProductName | Product Description | | |
Batch | Batch Number | | |
EntitledToDisposeParty | Party Entitled to Dispose | | |
NameOfEntitledToDisposeParty | null | | |
ShipFromParty | Business Partner Number | | |
ShipFromPartyName | Name 1 of organization | | |
IsBusinessPurposeCompleted | null | | |
Carrier | Business Partner Number | | |
CarrierName | Name 1 of organization | | |
StockOwner | Owner | | |
StockOwnerName | null | | |
StockType | Stock Type | | |
StockTypeName | Description of Stock Type | | |
CompletionStatus | Status Value | | |
CompletionStatusName | null | | |
UnloadingStatus | Status Value | | |
UnloadingStatusName | null | | |
PutawayStatus | Status Value | | |
PutawayStatusName | null | | |
GoodsReceiptStatus | Status Value | | |
GoodsReceiptStatusName | null | | |
QualityMgmtCountPlngStatus | Status Value | | |
QualityMgmtCountPlngStatusName | null | | |
QualityMgmtInspPlngStatus | Status Value | | |
QualityMgmtInspPlngStsName | null | | |
QualityMgmtInspectionStatus | Status Value | | |
QualityMgmtInspectionStsName | null | | |
GoodsMovementBlockStatus | Status Value | | |
GoodsMovementBlockStatusName | null | | |
CheckToleranceStatus | Status Value | | |
CheckToleranceStatusName | null | | |
PlanningPutawayStatus | Status Value | | |
PlanningPutawayStatusName | null | | |
TransportationUnitAssgmtStatus | Status Value | | |
TranspUnitAssgmtStatusName | null | | |
ValueAddedServiceOrderStatus | Status Value | | |
ValueAddedDelivStsName | null | | |
ValuationQtyAssignmentStatus | Status Value | | |
ValuationQtyAssgmtStatusName | null | | |
WarehouseActivityStatus | Status Value | | |
WarehouseActivityStatusName | null | | |
TransitStatus | Status Value | | |
TransitStatusName | null | | |
TransitProcedureStatus | Status Value | | |
TransitProcedureStatusName | null | | |
TransportationPlanningStatus | Status Value | | |
TranspPlngStatusName | null | | |
OverallBlockStatus | Status Value | | |
OverallBlockStatusName | null | | |
ItemInconsistencyBlkStatus | Status Value | | |
ItemInconsistencyBlkStatusName | null | | |
TranspPlanBlockStatus | Status Value | | |
TranspPlanBlockStatusName | null | | |
InbDelivItemCrtnUTCDateTime | UTC Date and Time | | |
PlannedGRStartUTCDateTime | Creation Date/Time | | |
PlannedGREndUTCDateTime | Creation Date/Time | | |
UnloadingEndUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
ActualPutawayEndUTCDateTime | Creation Date/Time | | |
ActualGRStartUTCDateTime | Creation Date/Time | | |
ActualGREndUTCDateTime | Creation Date/Time | | |
InbDelivCompltnEndUTCDateTime | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
PlndArrivalInYardUTCDateTime | Creation Date/Time | | |
ActualArrivalInYardUTCDateTime | Creation Date/Time | | |
PlndDeliveryWhseTmznDateTime | Planned Delivery Date and Time | | |
ActualDeliveryWhseTmznDateTime | Delivery Date and Time | | |
PlndArrvlInYardWhseTmznDteTme | Planned Arrival Date and Time in Yard | | |
ActlArrvlInYardWhseTmznDteTme | Arrival Time in Yard | | |
PutawayEndWhseTmznDateTime | End Date and Time of Putaway | | |
ActualGREndWhseTmznDateTime | Goods Receipt Ended On | | |
UnloadingEndWhseTmznDateTime | End Date and Time of Unloading | | |
InbDelivItmCmpltWhseTmznDteTme | Completion Date and Time | | |
InbDelivCrtnWhseTmznDateTime | Created On | | |
PlndGREndWhseTmznDateTime | Date and Time of Planned Goods Receipt | | |
GoodsReceiptDurationInMinutes | null | | |
WaitInYardDurationInMinutes | null | | |
ArrivalInYardOvrdDurnInMinutes | null | | |
NoWhseActivityTimeInMinutes | null | | |
PlndGoodsReceiptWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
PlndGoodsReceiptWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
PlndGoodsReceiptWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
UnloadingEndWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
UnloadingEndWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
UnloadingEndWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
PutawayEndWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
PutawayEndWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
PutawayEndWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
GoodsReceiptEndWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
GoodsReceiptEndWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
GoodsReceiptEndWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
InbDelivCompltnEndWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
InbDelivCompltnEndWhseTmznMnth | Display Date (Month) | | |
InbDelivCompltnEndWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
PlannedDeliveryWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
PlannedDeliveryWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
PlannedDeliveryWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
ActualDeliveryWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
ActualDeliveryWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
ActualDeliveryWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
PlndArrvlInYardWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
PlndArrvlInYardWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
PlndArrvlInYardWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
ActlArrvlInYardWhseTmznYear | Display Date (Year) | | |
ActlArrvlInYardWhseTmznMonth | Display Date (Month) | | |
ActlArrvlInYardWhseTmznHour | Display Time (Hour) | | |
PlndDelivTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
PlndDelivTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
PlndArrvlTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
PlndArrvlTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
ActlDelivTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
ActlDelivTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
ActlArrvlTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
ActlArrvlTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
CompltnEndTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
CompltnEndTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
GREndRnddTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
GREndRnddTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
PtwyEndRnddTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
PtwyEndRnddTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
UnldgEndRnddTo30MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
UnldgEndRnddTo60MinsWhseDteTme | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | | |
NumberOfInboundDeliveries | null | | |
NumberOfInbDelivItems | null | | |