💲 Currency (DisplayCurrency): |
FYSAccmltdAcqnProdnAmtInDC | Total APC at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdRRVAmtInDspCrcy | Total Revaluation of Replacement Value at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdInvmtGrantAmtInDC | Total Investment Grants at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdOrdnryDeprAmtInDC | Total Ordinary Depreciation at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdSpecialDeprAmtInDC | Total Special Depreciation at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdUnplndDeprAmtInDC | Total Unplanned Depreciation at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdTransfOfRsrvAmtInDC | Total Transfer of Reserves at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdInterestAmountInDC | Total Interest at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdODeprRevalAmtInDC | Total Revaluation of Ord. Depreciation at Fiscal Year Start | |
FYSAccmltdDownPaymentAmtInDC | Total Down Payments at Fiscal Year Start | |
CurrentYearAcqnProdnAmtInDC | Acquisition and Production Costs - Current Year | |
CurrentYearRplcmtRevalAmtInDC | Revaluation of Replacement Value - Current Year | |
CurrentYearInvmtGrantAmtInDC | Investment Grants - Current Year | |
CurrentYearOrdnryDeprAmtInDC | Ordinary Depreciation - Current Year | |
CurrentYearSpecialDeprAmtInDC | Special Depreciation - Current Year | |
CurrentYearUnplndDeprAmtInDC | Unplanned Depreciation - Current Year | |
CurrentYearTransfOfRsrvAmtInDC | Transfer of Reserves - Current Year | |
CurrentYearInterestAmtInDC | Interest Current Year | |
CYrRevaluationODeprAmtInDC | Revaluation of Ordinary Depreciation - Current Year | |
CurrentYearDownPaymentAmtInDC | Down Payments - Current Year | |
FsclYrStrtPYAAcqnProdnAmtInDC | Acquisition and Production Costs - Prior-Year Acquisition | |
FYSPrptnRevalRplcmtAmtInDC | Proportional Revaluation of Replacement Value - FY Start | |
FYStrtPYAInvmtGrantAmtInDC | Investment Grants on Prior-Year Acquisitions at FY Start | |
FYStrtPYAPrptnlODeprAmtInDC | Prop. Ordinary Deprec. on Prior-Yr Aquis. at FY Start | |
FYStrtPYAPrptnlSDeprAmtInDC | Prop. Special Deprec. on Prior-Yr Aquis. at FY Start | |
FYStrtPYAPrptnlUDeprAmtInDC | Prop. Unplanned Deprec. on Prior-Yr Aquis. at FY Start | |
FYStrtPYAPrptnlReserveAmtInDC | Proportional Reserves on Prior-Year Acquisition at FY Start | |
FYStrtPYAPrptnlInterestAmtInDC | Proportional Interest on Prior-Year Acquisition at FY Start | |
FYSPrptnlRevalODeprAmtInDC | Proportional Revaluation of Ordinary Depreciation - FY Start | |
FYStrtPYADownPaytAmtInDC | Down Payments on Prior-Year Acquisitions at FY Start | |
CurrentYearPrptnlRRVAmtInDC | Prop. Revaluation of Replacement Value - Current Year | |
CurYrPYAPrptnlODeprAmtInDC | Proportional Ordinary Dep. on Prior-Yr Aquis.- Current Year | |
CurYrPYAPrptnlSDeprAmtInDC | Proportional Special Dep. on Prior-Yr Aquis.- Current Year | |
CurYrPYAPrptnlUDeprAmtInDC | Proportional Unplanned Dep. on Prior-Yr Aquis.- Current Year | |
CurYrPYAPrptnlInterestAmtInDC | Proportional Interest on Prior-Year Aquisiton - Current Year | |
CurYrPrptnlODeprRevalAmtInDC | Prop. Revaluation of Ordinary Depreciation - Current Year | |
AccmltdAcqnProductionAmount | Total Acquisition and Production Costs | |
AccmltdReplacementRevalAmtInDC | Total Revaluation of Replacement Value | |
AccmltdInvestmentGrantAmtInDC | Total Investment Grants | |
AccumulatedOrdinaryDeprAmount | Total Ordinary Depreciation | |
AccumulatedSpecialDeprAmount | Total Special Depreciation | |
AccumulatedUnplannedDeprAmount | Cumulative Unplanned Depreciation | |
AccumulatedTrnsfdRsrvAmtInDC | Total Transfer of Reserves | |
AccumulatedInterestAmountInDC | Total Interest | |
AccmltdRevalOrdinaryDeprAmount | Total Revaluation of Ordinary Depreciation | |
AccumulatedDownPaymentAmtInDC | Total Down Payments | |
PYAAcqnProdnAmtInDspCrcy | Acquisition and Production Costs - Prior-Year Acquisition | |
PYARevalRplcmtValueAmountInDC | Revaluation of Replacement Value - Prior-Year Acquisition | |
PYAInvestmentGrantAmtInDC | Investment Grants - Prior-Year Acquisitions | |
PYAOrdinaryDeprAmtInDspCrcy | Ordinary Depreciation on Prior-Year Acquisitions | |
PYASpecialDeprAmtInDspCrcy | Special Depreciation on Prior-Year Acquisitions | |
PYAUnplannedDeprAmtInDspCrcy | Unplanned Depreciation on Prior-Year Acquisitions | |
PYATransferredReserveAmtInDC | Transfer of Reserves - Prior-Year Acquisition | |
PYAInterestAmountInDspCrcy | Planned Interest Prior-Year Acquisition | |
PYAOrdnryDeprPlndRevalAmtInDC | Planned Revaluation of Ordinary Depreciation Prior-Year Acq. | |
PYADownPaymentAmountInDspCrcy | Down Payments - Prior-Year Acquisitions | |
OrdinaryDeprReducedAmtInDC | Amount Ordinary Depreciation Reduced | |
SpecialDeprReducedAmtInDC | Amount Special Depreciation Reduced | |