
Active categories of DM Obj Struct | view: CDMOBSTRACTCAT | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: S/4HANA Data Migration Content (LTMC) - App Development
Column Name Description
DataMigrationObjectID MWB: Alias of Conversion Object
DataMigrationProjectID Identifier for Projects
DataMigrtnSndrStrucName Tree Structure Identifier
DataMigrationSndrStrucField Field Name
DataMigrtnFieldTranslationID null
DataMigrationSenderKey null
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DataMigrationLoadingDate null
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
DataMigrationSubProjectID Namefield f. Sub-Projects DMC_CTSID
DataMigrtnSndrStrucDesc null
DataMigrtnSndrStrucPos DMC: Position in Tree Depth-First NUMC4
DataMigrtnSndrStrucFieldLabel null
DataMigrtnSndrStrucFieldPos Position of the field in the table AS4POS
NumberOfRecordsPerStructure Data migration content: Record count by category
DataMigrationFileName Name of File DMC_CHAR
DataMigrationProjectDesc Description DMC_DSTR
DataMigrationSndrStrucFieldVal null
DataMigrationTgtStrucFieldVal MWB: Translation Value DMC_TRVALUE