
Data Migration PLV Configuration Table | view: CDMVALCONF | Extraction: Not supported | Component: S/4HANA Data Migration Content (LTMC) - App Development
Column Name Description
DataMigrationObjectID MWB: Alias of Conversion Object
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DataMigrtnTargetKey1IsUUID Is migration object target key a GUID? Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
DataMigrationDataElement1 Name of ABAP Dictionary Object DDOBJNAME
KeyFieldName1 Medium Field Label SCRTEXT_M
DataMigrtnGlobalFieldName1 Target Parameter 1 TARGET_PARAMETER
DataMigrationDataElement2 Name of ABAP Dictionary Object DDOBJNAME
KeyFieldName2 Medium Field Label SCRTEXT_M
DataMigrtnGlobalFieldName2 Target Parameter 2 TARGET_PARAMETER
DataMigrationDataElement3 Name of ABAP Dictionary Object DDOBJNAME
KeyFieldName3 Medium Field Label SCRTEXT_M
DataMigrtnGlobalFieldName3 Target Parameter 3 TARGET_PARAMETER
DataMigrationDataElement4 Name of ABAP Dictionary Object DDOBJNAME
KeyFieldName4 Medium Field Label SCRTEXT_M
DataMigrtnGlobalFieldName4 Target Parameter 4 TARGET_PARAMETER
SemanticObject Semantic Object TEXT30
SemanticObjectAction Semantic Action TEXT60
IsAuthorizedUser null
URLFixedExpressionText Fixed values for parameters DMC_PLV_FIXED_PARAMS