
Collection Progress Query | view: CCOLLPROGRESSQ | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Information System
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
PromisedAmount Promised Amount
CollectableAmount Collectable Amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
CollectionGroup Collection Group UDM_COLL_GROUP
CollectionSegment Collection Segment BDM_COLL_SEGEMENT
CollectionSpecialist Collection Specialist XUBNAME
CollectionSpecialistName Full Name of Person TEXT80
CollectionGroupName Name of Collection Group TEXT60
CollectionSegmentName Name of Collection Segment TEXT50
CollectionPriority Priority of Worklist Item UDM_COLL_PRIORITY
CollectionPriorityName Name of Priority of Worklist Items TEXT15
ExchangeRateType Exchange Rate Type KURST
NumberOfWorklistItems Number of Worklist Items FARP_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
NumberOfCompletedItems Number of Completed Items FARP_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
NumberOfCustomerReachedItems Number of Customer Reached FARP_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
CollectionProgressRatio Collection Progress Ratio
CollectionProgressRate null