ActivePurchasingDocument | Active Purchasing Document | EBELN | |
PurchasingDocumentName | Name of Purchasing Document | TEXT40 | |
PurchasingDocumentType | Purchasing Document Type | BSART | |
IsExtPurgScenario | null | | |
ProcmtHubPurchaseRequisition | Purchase Requisition Number | BANFN | |
ProcmtHubPurRequisitionItem | Item number of purchase requisition | BNFPO | |
PurchasingOrganization | Purchasing organization | EKORG | |
CompanyCode | Company Code | BUKRS | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
StorageLocation | Storage location | LGORT | |
SourceListRestriction | Source List Restriction Indicator | | |
LogicalSystem | Logical System | LOGSYS | |
PurchasingGroup | Purchasing Group | EKGRP | |
PaymentTerms | Terms of Payment Key | ZTERM | |
CashDiscount1Days | Cash discount days 1 | ZBDXT | |
CashDiscount2Days | Cash discount days 2 | ZBDXT | |
NetPaymentDays | Net Payment Terms Period | ZBDXT | |
CashDiscount1Percent | Cash discount percentage 1 | | |
CashDiscount2Percent | Cash Discount Percentage 2 | | |
ShippingInstruction | Shipping Instructions | EVERS | |
IncotermsClassification | Incoterms (Part 1) | INCO1 | |
IncotermsLocation1 | Incoterms Location 1 | INCO_L | |
Material | Material Number | MATNR | |
MaterialGroup | Material Group | MATKL | |
CntrlPurContrDistributionPct | Distribution Percentage in Central Purchasing Document | | |
ExtContractForPurg | Contract of External System | EBELN | |
ExtContractItemForPurg | Contract Item of External System | EBELP | |
ItemDistributionStatusName | Short Text for Fixed Values | | |
TextIsDeleted | Boolean Variable (X = True, - = False, Space = Unknown) | | |
OutlineAgrmtItmIsBlocked | Boolean Variable (X = True, - = False, Space = Unknown) | | |
OutlineAgrmtItmBlockedText | Boolean Variable (X = True, - = False, Space = Unknown) | | |
PurgDocItmBlkRsnCode | Block Reason Code | CHAR4 | |
ExternalRefDocCategory | Category of an external transaction or element | VORG_TYP | |
ExternalReferenceDocument | Document Number of External Reference Document | VBELN | |
ExternalReferenceDocumentItem | Document Item Number of External Reference Document | EBELP | |
ProcmtHubPredecessorDocument | Predecessor Purchasing Document Number | EBELN | |
ProcmtHubPredecessorDocItem | Predecessor Purchasing Document Item Number | EBELP | |
ContractConsumptionInPct | null | | |
CntrlPurContrGRConsumptionPct | null | | |
ItemDistributionIsRelevant | Link field for view query | | |
ReferenceHeaderDistributionKey | Distribution Number of Central Purchasing Document | | |
ProcurementHubSourceSystem | Logical System | LOGSYS | |
ProcmtHubLogicalSystem | Logical System | LOGSYS | |
CntrlPurContrDistributionLevel | null | | |
ProcmtHubCompanyCodeName | Name of Company Code or Company | TEXT25 | |
PurchasingDocumentTypeName | Short Description of Purchasing Document Type | TEXT20 | |
PurchasingDocumentCategoryName | Purchasing Document Category Name | DDTEXT | |
PurgDocItmBlkRsnDesc | Block Reason Description | TEXT40 | |
PurgDocDistributionTypeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
ManualDeliveryAddressID | Address Number | AD_ADDRNUM | |
ProcmtHubDelivAddressTypeCode | Source of the Delivery Address | | |
AddressTypeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
ReferenceDeliveryAddressID | Number of delivery address | | |
ProcmtHubSubcontractor | Supplier to be Supplied/Who is to Receive Delivery | LIFNR | |
ProcmtHubSuplrIsSubcontractor | Subcontracting Supplier | | |
FormOfAddress | Form-of-Address Key | AD_TITLE | |
ProcmtHubBusinessPartnerName1 | Name 1 | | |
ProcmtHubBusinessPartnerName2 | Name 2 | | |
ProcmtHubBusinessPartnerName3 | Name 3 | | |
ProcmtHubBusinessPartnerName4 | Name 4 | | |
ProcmtHubStreetName | Street | TEXT60 | |
ProcmtHubHouseNumber | House Number | | |
ProcmtHubPostalCode | City postal code | | |
ProcmtHubCityName | City | TEXT40 | |
ProcmtHubCountry | Country/Region Key | | |
ProcmtHubRegion | Region (State, Province, County) | | |
ProcmtHubPrdcssrDocUUID | Predecessor document UUID | SYSUUID | |
ProcmtHubPrdcssrDocItemUUID | Predecessor document item UUID | SYSUUID | |
ProcmtHubPrdcssrDocObjType | SAP Business Object Type | BO_OBJECT_TYPE | |
ProcmtHubPrdcssrDocObjNodeType | SAP Business Object Node Type | BO_NODE_TYPE | |
SourcingProjectQuotation | Supplier Quotation | VDM_SOURCINGPROJECTQUOTATION | |
FormattedItemID | Formatted Item ID | | |
SrcgProjQtnItemFrmtdTxt | Formatted Sourcing Project Quotation Item | | |