CompanyCode | Company Code | BUKRS | |
ProfitCenter | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
Plant | Plant | WERKS | |
Commodity | Commodity | TBA_STOEFFCHEN | |
MTMCalculationGroup | MtM Calculation Group | CMM_MTM_CGROUP | |
PnLEventType | Profit and Loss Event Type | CMM_EVENT | |
PnLElementaryEventType | Profit and Loss Elementary Event Type | CMM_EVENT | |
OrignRefDocumentShortNumber | Root Document | CMM_DOCUMENT_CHAR10 | |
OriginReferenceDocument | Root Document | CMM_MTM_OBJID | |
OriginReferenceDocumentItem | Origin Reference Document Item | | |
OriginReferenceDocBusObjType | Root Document (BOR) Object Type | OJ_NAME | |
SourceDocumentShortNumber | Document | CMM_DOCUMENT_CHAR10 | |
SourceDocument | Document | CMM_MTM_OBJID | |
SourceDocumentItem | Source Document Item | | |
SourceDocumentBusObjType | Document (BOR) Object Type | OJ_NAME | |
ConditionTermRateFixation | Fixation ID | | |
ConditionType | Condition Type | KSCHL | |
ContractConditionType | Contract Price Condition Type | KSCHL | |
ContractDCS | Contractual Derivative Contract Specification ID | TBA_DCSID | |
ContractMarketIdentifierCode | Contract Market Identifier Code | TBA_MIC | |
ContrDrvtvContrMaturityCode | Contractual Contract Maturity Code | TBA_CONTRACT_CODE | |
ContractBasisType | Contract Basis Type | TBAC_BASIS_TYPE | |
ContractBasisID | Contract Basis ID | TBAC_BASIS_ID | |
ContractQuotationPriceType | Contract Type of Price Quotation | VVSKURSART | |
MarketDCS | Comparative Market Derivative Contract Specification ID | TBA_DCSID | |
MktMarketIdentifierCode | Comparative Market Market Identifier Code | TBA_MIC | |
MktDrvtvContrMaturityCode | Comparative Market Contract Maturity Code | TBA_CONTRACT_CODE | |
MarketBasisType | Comparative Market Basis Type | TBAC_BASIS_TYPE | |
MarketBasisID | Comparative Market Basis ID | TBAC_BASIS_ID | |
MktQuotationPriceType | Comparative Market Type of Price Quotation | VVSKURSART | |
SubConditionType | The key of a sub-condition type | CMM_VLOGP_SUBKEY | |
SystemMessageNumber | System Message Number | | |
ContractConditionTermRate | Contract Condition Term Rate | | |
ComparContrCndnTermRate | Comparative Contract Condition Term Rate | | |
ConditionTermFactor | CPE condition type term factor | | |
ComparConditionTermFactor | Comparative CPE condition type term factor | | |
MarketConditionTermRate | Market Term Rate | | |
ContrSpreadCndnTermRate | Contract Spread Term Rate | | |
FixedMktSpreadCndnTermRate | Fixed Market Spread Term Rate | | |
FloatingMktSpreadCndnTermRate | Floating Market Spread Term Rate | | |
ContractMktToDocExchRate | Contract Exchange Rate: Market to Document Currency | | |
ComparContrMktToDocExchRate | Comparative Contract Exchange Rate: Market to Document Curr. | | |
ContrDocToStstcExchRate | Contract Exchange Rate: Document to Statistics Currency | | |
ComparContrDocToStstcExchRate | Comparative Contr. Exch. Rate: Document to Statistics Curr. | | |
MktMarketToDocExchRate | Market Exchange Rate: Market to Document Currency | | |
MktDocToStstcExchRate | Market Exchange Rate: Document to Statistics Currency | | |
MktMarketToStstcExchRate | Market Exchange Rate: Market to Statistics Currency | | |
CalcRelContrConditionTermRate | Calculation Relevant Contract Condition Term Rate | | |
CalcRelComparContrCndnTermRate | CalculationRelevant Comparative Contract Condition Term Rate | | |
SalesOrganization | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
DistributionChannel | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
Division | Division | SPART | |
Creditor | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
SoldToParty | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
Material | Material Number | MATNR | |
StorageLocation | Storage location | LGORT | |
Batch | Batch Number | CHARG | |
IncotermsClassification | Incoterms (Part 1) | INCO1 | |
IncotermsTransferLocation | Incoterms (Part 2) | INCO2 | |
ConditionApplication | Application | KAPPL | |
ReferenceDocumentLongNumber | Predecessor Document | CMM_MTM_OBJID | |
ReferenceDocumentItem | Reference Document Item | | |
ReferenceDocBusObjType | Ref (BOR) Object Type | OJ_NAME | |
BusinessArea | Business Area | GSBER | |
PurchasingOrganization | Purchasing organization | EKORG | |
MaterialGroup | Material Group | MATKL | |
QuotationGroup | Quotation Group (Technical Key Field) | CHAR40 | |
MTMConditionGroupCategoryName | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
MTMConditionGroup | MtM Condition Group | CMM_MTM_CGROUP | |
MTMCalcGrpMarketPriceCondition | Market Price Condition within a calculation group | KSCHL | |
SystemMessageText | Message Text | NATXT | |
MarketToTermExchangeRateType | Exch. Rate Type for Conversion from Market to Term Currency | KURST | |
CndnToStstcExchangeRateType | Exch. Rate Type for Conv. from Condition to Document Crcy | KURST | |
ConditionToDocExchangeRateType | Exch Rate Type for Conv. from Document to Statistics Crcy | KURST | |
DocToStstcExchangeRateType | Exch. Rate Type for Conv. from Condition to Stat. Crcy | KURST | |
Pricesettingmethod | Price Setting Method | CPE_PSMETHOD | |
Pricesettingmethodstatus | Price Setting Method Status | CPE_PSMSTATUS | |
Validtodatetime | Valid-To Timestamp | TZNTSTMPS | |
Pricingprocedure | Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) | KALSM | |
Pricingconditionterm | CPE Term - Number in Formula | NUMC5 | |