
Allocation Field Group Information | view: CALLOCFLGRPINF | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Fiori FXU Cost Controlling CO-FIO
Tables used: T811JT811IT811H
Column Name Description
AllocationType Allocation Context Show values
AllocationPostingType Allocation Posting Type Show values
AllocationActualPlanVariant Actual/plan indicator Show values
AllocationFieldGroup Variable Portion Type
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
AllocationType Allocation Context Show values
AllocationPostingType Allocation Posting Type Show values
AllocationActualPlanVariant Actual/plan indicator Show values
AllocFldActlPlnVarValue Actual/Planned Indicator Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
AllocVariablePortingType Type of variable parts of tracing factor NUMC3
AllocationDataFieldName1 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName2 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName3 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName4 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName5 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName6 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName7 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName8 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName9 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocationDataFieldName10 DB Field Name FDNAME
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey1 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey2 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey3 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey4 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey5 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey6 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey7 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey8 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey9 null
AllocFieldGroupDataFieldKey10 null