TrdgContrPrcgAspectDummyLotID | Dummy Source Lot ID | | |
TradingContractNumber | Trading Contract | | |
PricingConditionTerm | CPE Term - Number in Formula | | |
TradingContractItem | Item Number of Trading Contract | | |
ACMPriceMethodProgramID | Program ID | | |
ACMPriceMethodProgram | Program Name | /ACCGO/D_PROG_NAME | |
TradingContractTypeName | Name of Trading Contract Type | TEXT40 | |
Side | Side | | |
DocumentSide | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TrdgContrApplStsName | Trading Contract: Name of Application Status | TEXT40 | |
SalesOrganizationText | Name | TEXT20 | |
DistributionChannelText | Distribution Channel Description | TEXT20 | |
DivisionName | Name | TEXT20 | |
PurchasingOrganizationName | Description of purchasing organization | TEXT20 | |
PurchasingGroupName | Purchasing Group Name | TEXT18 | |
TradingContractExternalID | External Identifier in Trading Contract | | |
PlantName | Plant Name | TEXT30 | |
ContractMaterial | null | | |
MaterialName | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
PricingApproach | Pricing Approach | | |
PricingTypeName | Description | TEXT40 | |
CommodityName | Commodity Description | TEXT40 | |
Counterparty | Customer Number | | |
CounterpartyFullName | null | | |
ACMCounterpartyFirstName | Name 1 | NAME | |
ACMCounterpartyLastName | Name 2 | NAME | |
TransactingCtpty | Reference to other supplier | | |
ACMTransCounterpartyFullName | null | | |
ConfirmedNominationNumber | Nomination (technical) Key | | |
ConfirmedNominationItem | Nomination Key Item | | |
ACMOriginalTraderID | Responsible Trader ID | | |
ACMAmendingTraderID | Amending Trader ID | | |
Incoterms | Incoterms Part 1 Sales | | |
IncotermsClassificationName | Description | TEXT30 | |
IncotermsLocation1 | Incoterms Location 1 | | |
TrdgContrPurgIncotermsLoc1Text | Incoterms Location 1 | INCO_L | |
TrdgContrSlsIncotermsLoc1Text | Incoterms Location 1 | INCO_L | |
TrdgContrPersonResponsible | Trading Contract: Person Responsible | | |
TrdgContrPersonResponsibleName | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
TradingContractCreatedBy | Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object | | |
TradingContractCreatedByName | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
TradingContractChangedBy | Name of Person Who Changed Object | | |
TradingContractChangedByName | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
CompanyCodeName | Name of Company Code or Company | TEXT25 | |
DerivativeContrSpecification | Derivative Contract Specification ID | | |
ACMDerivativeContrSpecsTxt | Description of Derivative Contract Specification | TEXT40 | |
ACMPricingMarketIdentifierCode | Market Identifier Code | | |
ACMMarketIdentifierCodeTxt | Market Identifier Code Description | TEXT40 | |
DerivativeContractMaturityCode | Contract Maturity Code | | |
ACMPrcgTotAmt | Total Amount | /ACCGO/CPE_D_TOTAL_PRICE | |
ACMPrcgIntendedPrcType | Intended price type | | |
ACMPrcgIntendedPrcTypeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
ACMCustomerReference | Customer Reference | | |
ACMYourReference | Your Reference | | |
ConditionCount | null | | |
ACMPricingItemQuantity | Commodity Item Quantity | WLF_QUANTITY | |
ValuationPoint | Valuation Point | | |
AlternatePaymentTerm | Terms Of Payment Key Sales | | |
PaymentTermsDescription | null | | |
ACMPrcgCndnFuturePrice | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCndnBasisPrc | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCndnFlatPrice | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgCndnFutureFixedRateQty | CPE - Price Unit of Fixed Rate | | |
ACMPrcgCndnFlatFixedRateQty | null | | |
ACMPrcgSourceLotGroup | numc06 | NUMC06 | |
SessionUser | null | | |
ACMTrdgContrPrcgStatusText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TrdgContrPrcgAspectSrceLotID | Source Lot ID | /ACCGO/D_PRICINGLOT_ID | |
PricingDocument | Number of the Document Condition | KNUMV | |
CmmdtyOrderRequestStatusText | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
ACMPrcgCndnBasisFixedRateQty | null | | |
ACMPrcgQtyToLiftFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgVehiclesFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgVehiclesToLift | Number of Vehicles | | |
ACMPrcgQtyToBePricedFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgVehiclesToRoll | Number of Vehicles | | |
ACMPrcgToRollQtyFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgVehiclesToRollFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCancellationCode | Reason for Cancellation | NUMC02 | |
ACMPrcgCancFeePrcUnitQty | CPE - Price Unit of Fixed Rate | | |
ACMPrcgCancellationCodeText | HR: Text for Field Value | | |
ACMPrcgCancellationTypeText | HR: Text for Field Value | | |
ACMPrcgCancellationUUID | Contract GUID | SYSUUID | |
ACMPrcgVehToBeCancelled | Number of Vehicles | | |
ACMPrcgToBeCancelledQtyFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgVehToBeCancelledFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCancEquityPrcUnitQty | CPE - Price Unit of Fixed Rate | | |
ACMPrcgCancFutureRefPrcFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCancBasisRefPriceQty | CPE - Price Unit of Fixed Rate | | |
ACMPrcgFutureReasonCodeDetail | Reason Code | | |
ACMPrcgBasisReasonCodeDetail | Reason Code | | |
ACMPrcgCancBasisRefPrcFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgFutureReasonCodeFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgBasisReasonCodeFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgExchRateType | Exchange Rate Type | KURST | |
ACMPrcgUnitOfMeasureFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPricingFormulaCrcyFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCanclnButtonFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdType | Commodity Derivative Order Request Type | CMMFDOR_ORDERTYPE | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdTypeText | Commodity Derivative Order Type Description | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdRequestReason | Order Request Status Reason | CMMFDOR_ORDERREQUSTATUSREASON | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdNmbrOfOrdLots | Commodity Derivative Order Request Quantity in Lots | INT2_NOS | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdReqReasonTxt | CDOTE Order Request Reason Description | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdQtyFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdVeh | Number of Vehicles | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdVehFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdFlowTypeTxt | Cmmdty Derivative Order Request Flow TypeText | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdTraderID | Trader | RDEALER | |
ACMPrcgExecInstruction | Commodity Order Request Pricing and Execution Instruction | CMMFDOR_ORDERPRICINGEXECINST | |
ACMPrcgExecInstructionTxt | Text with 30 characters | | |
ACMPrcgExpiryInstructionTxt | Text with 30 characters | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdExchTypeTxt | Commodity Derivative Order Request Exchange Type Text | DDTEXT | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdCtptyBroker | Counterparty Broker | CMMFSA_COUNTERPARTY_BROKER | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdBrokerAccount | Reference Account | CMMFSA_REFERENCEBROKERACCOUNT | |
ACMPrcgCounterpartySubAccount | Commodity Order Request Counterparty Subaccount | CMMFSA_SUBACCOUNTID | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdLeewayPriceAmt | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdLeewayRngeAmt | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdLimitSpreadPrc | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdLongFutureID | Commodity Derivative Order Request Long Future. | CMMFDOR_CMMDTYORDFILLFUTUREID | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdShortFutureID | Commodity Order Request Future ID | CMMFDOR_CMMDTYORDFILLFUTUREID | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdExternalDocRef | Commodity Order Fill External Source Reference | CMMFDOF_CMMDTYORDFILLEXTORDREF | |
ACMPrcgNegotiatedDateTime | Commodity Derivative Order Request Negotiation Date Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdRequestTicks | Commodity Order Request Ticks | CMMFDOR_ORDREQTICKS | |
ACMPrcgReferencePrice | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdStopPrice | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdLimitPrice | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdStopLimitPrice | CPE Term - Fixed Rate (up to 14 decimals) | | |
PrcgConditionTermFixedRateQty | CPE - Price Unit of Fixed Rate | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdSequenceNumber | 4 Byte Signed Integer | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdSubAccountID | Commodity Subaccount ID | | |
ACMTrdgContrSubAccountName | Commodity Subaccount Name | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdDocumentType | Order Request Document Type | CMMFDOR_ORDERREQUESTDOCTYPE | |
ACMPrcgNegotiatedOnFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgSpreadSpotFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdTraderFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgSpreadBasisFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgRefMaturityCodeFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgRefMarketPriceFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgRefMarketCrcyFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgRefFlowTypeFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdRefAmtFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdQtyUnitFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrderLotsFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgBrokerAccountFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdBrokerFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCtptyBrokerFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCtptySubAccountFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCounterpartyFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgExchangeTypeFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgExecutionInstrFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgExecutionTicksFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgExpirationDateFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgExpirationInstrFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgFlowTypeFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgOrderLiftFxdExchFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgMaturityCodeFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgMaturityKeyDateFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgAmountFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdRefFlowType | Commodity Derivative Order Request Flow Type | | |
ACMPrcgCmmdtyOrdRefFlowTypeTxt | Cmmdty Derivative Order Request Flow TypeText | | |
CmmdtyOrderRequestStatus | Commodity Derivative Order Request Status | | |
ACMPrcgRefMaturityCode | Contract Maturity Code | | |
ACMPrcgRefMatCodeRefPrcAmt | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgRollSpotFxdExchRate | CPE Term - Fixed Exchange Rate for Currency Conversion | | |
ACMPrcgRollBlendedFxdExchRate | CPE Term - Fixed Exchange Rate for Currency Conversion | | |
ACMPrcgFixedFxdExchRate | CPE Term - Fixed Exchange Rate for Currency Conversion | | |
ACMPrcgFixedFxdExchRateFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgBlendFxdExchRateFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgSpotFxdExchRateFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgRolledPriceAmt | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgSpreadFutureAmt | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgPremiumAmt | Total Amount | | |
PricingConditionTermFixedRate | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgFirstExecInstrPrice | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgSecondExecInstrPrice | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgThirdExecInstrPrice | Total Amount | | |
ACMPrcgThirdExecPrcFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgSecondExecPrcFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ACMPrcgFirstExecPrcFldCtrl | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ConditionType | CPE: Condition Type for Commodity Pricing | KSCHL | |
ACMPricingConditionTypeName | Description | | |