
ABOP Segment Simulation Schedlines TP | view: CABOPSEGSMSLTP | Extraction: Not supported | Component: ATP: Backorder Processing
Tables used: ATP_BOP_SEG_SMSLKNA1T001W
Column Name Description
ABOPSegmentSimlnSchedLineUUID BOP Segment Simulation Schedule Line UUID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
IsSalesDocument Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ') Show values
SchedLineIsProdAvailyCheckRlvt Schedule Line is Relevant for PAC Show values
SchedLineIsProdAllocationRlvt Schedule Line is Relevant for PAL Show values
SchedLineIsSupplyAssgmtRlvt Schedule Line is Relevant for ARun Show values
ScheduleLineIsSelected Data element for domain BOOLE: TRUE (='X') and FALSE (=' ') Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ABOPSegmentSimulationUUID BOP Segment Simulation UUID SYSUUID
ATPRelevantDocumentCategory ATP: Category of Stock / Receipts / Issues ATPCAT
ATPRelevantDocument Sales and Distribution Document Number VBELN
ATPRelevantDocumentItem MRP element item DELPS
ATPRelevantDocScheduleLine Schedule Line Number MRP Element DELET
SelectionSequencePosition Schedule Line Priority in Backorder Processing in ATP (BOP)
Product Material Number MATNR
SupplyingPlant Plant WERKS
Recipient Recipient
IdentifiableRecipient Recipient
RecipientText Name of Customer TEXT80
ReceivingPlantName Plant Name TEXT30
CustomerName Name of Customer TEXT80