
Value Help for the Custom Sort Name | view: CABOPCUSTSORTVH | Extraction: Not supported | Component: ATP: Backorder Processing
Tables used: ATP_BOP_CSS
Column Name Description
ABOPCustomSortName Name of Custom Sort Sequence
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ABOPCustomSortUUID UUID for BOP Custom Sort Sequence SYSUUID
ABOPSortAttribute Sort Attribute in BOP Segment ATP_BOP_SORT_ATTRIBUTE
ABOPSortAttributeFldPathUUID Product Allocation Characteristic Catalog Path UUID SYSUUID
CreationDateTime Creation Date Time TZNTSTMPL
CreatedByUser Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object USNAM
LastChangeDateTime Last Change Date Time TZNTSTMPL
LastChangedByUser Name of Person Who Changed Object USNAM