API Snapshot Distribution: Snapshots | view: ARS_V_DISTRSNPT | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Extensibility: Release of APIs
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
created_on null
created_at null
received_on null
received_at null
last_changed_on null
last_changed_at null
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
software_component Software Component DLVUNIT
current_version null
major_release SAP Release CHAR10
minor_release API Release: Minor Release
created_by User Name SYCHAR12
original_system Name of SAP System SYCHAR08
total_number_of_objects null
distribution_progress null
distribution_state_code null
distribution_state_text Short Text for Fixed Values DDTEXT
distribution_ballog_handle Application Log: Log Handle SYSUUID_22
is_check_relevant null
received_by User Name SYCHAR12
last_changed_by User Name SYCHAR12