Notification Instance | view: /IWNGW/INNOTIF | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Notification Gateway
Tables used: /IWNGW/NOTIF
Column Name Description
NotificationId Unique identifier of a notification
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
NotificationPriority Priority of a notification, e.g. HIGH, LOW, ... Show values
NotificationPropertiesFlag Tech. flag for cache miss: 0 result -> BEP req. or not Show values
CallbackType Notification Gateway - Callback Type Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
NotificationSAPOriginId SAP Origin ID of a Notification
NotificationProviderId Notification Gateway - Notification Provider ID
NotificationProviderSourceId The Notification Provider's identifier for a notification
NotificationTypeId Unique identifier of a notification type
NotificationTypeKey Notification type's key
NotificationTypeVersion Notification type's version
ActorId Identifier of Actor who created the Notification
ActorType The type of actor who created the notification
NotificationActorText Display text of the actor of a notification
NotificationActorImageURL Image URL of the actor who created the notificiation
NavigationTargetObject Navigation target object idenfitier
NavigationTargetAction Navigation target action identifier
NotificationCreationTimeStamp UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) TZNTSTMPS
NotificationParametersFlag Tech. flag for cache miss: 0 result -> BEP req. or not