
Content access with 2 key fields | view: /FTI/V_CTNT_K2 | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Implementation Framework Applications
Tables used: /SMB/SBA1_T_FILE
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
changed General Flag Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
soluid Solution ID
filename File name
variant_id Variant ID (replaces ETVAR_ID) /SMB/VAR_ID
param_k1 Name of a Parameter or Command Interface CHAR30
value_k1 Value for PME table TEXT255
param_k2 Name of a Parameter or Command Interface CHAR30
value_k2 Value for PME table TEXT255
param_k3 Name of a Parameter or Command Interface CHAR30
value_k3 Value for PME table TEXT255
param_k4 Name of a Parameter or Command Interface CHAR30
value_k4 Value for PME table TEXT255
param_k5 Name of a Parameter or Command Interface CHAR30
value_k5 Value for PME table TEXT255
param_k6 Name of a Parameter or Command Interface CHAR30
value_k6 Value for PME table TEXT255