activeUuid | UUID serving as key (parent key, root key) | SYSUUID | |
contractAnalyst | Contract Analyst | USNAM | |
contractAnalystDescr | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
contractStatus | Deal Paper Contract Status | /DMBE/DM_PAPER_CONTRACT_STATUS | |
contractStatusDescr | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
statusDescr | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
amendCounter | Amendment Counter | /DMBE/DM_AMEND_COUNTER | |
templateName | Template Name | /DMBE/DM_TEMPLATE_NAME | |
smartId | Deal Number | /DMBE/DM_SMART_ID | |
productType | Product Type | /DMBE/DM_PRODUCT_TYPE | |
productTypeDescr | Product Type | /DMBE/DM_PRODUCT_TYPE_DESCR | |
loadingFeature | null | | |
multipleShiptoFeature | null | | |
billingFrequencyFeature | null | | |
transactionTypeDescr | null | | |
accountingType | Header Accounting Type | /DMBE/DM_ACCOUNT_TYPE | |
accountTypeDescr | Header Accounting Type | /DMBE/DM_ACCOUNTINGTYPE_DESCR | |
fasCodeHeader | Financial Accounting Standards Code | /DMBE/DM_FAS_CODE | |
fasCodeHeaderDescr | Financial Accounting Standards Code | /DMBE/DM_FAS_CODE_TEXT | |
counterparty | Counterparty | BU_PARTNER | |
counterpartyDescr | null | | |
counterpartyContact | Counterparty Contact Business Partner | BU_PARTNER | |
counterpartyContactDescr | null | | |
contactName | Counterparty Contact | /DMBE/DM_CONTACT_NAME | |
workflowId | Workflow ID | SIBFINSTID | |
broker | Broker | BU_PARTNER | |
brokerDescr | null | | |
brokerFeeOptionDescr | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
brokerFeeId | Broker Fee Identifier | /DMBE/DM_BROKER_FEE_ID | |
brokerFeeDescr | Broker Fee | /DMBE/DM_BROKER_FEE_DESCR | |
brokerFeeAmount | Broker Fee Amount | /DMBE/DM_BROKER_FEE_AMOUNT | |
brokerFeeCurrDescr | Long Text | TEXT40 | |
brokerFeeUomDescr | Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 10 Characters) | TEXT10 | |
governingPartyDescr | Governing Paper | /DMBE/DM_GOVERNING_PARTY_DESCR | |
settlementCurrencyDescr | Long Text | TEXT40 | |
brokerFeeVolType | Broker Fee Volume Type | /DMBE/DM_BROKER_FEE_VOL_TYPE | |
brokerFeeVolTypeDescr | Broker Fee Volume Type | /DMBE/DM_BRKFEEVOLTYPE_DESCR | |
schedulingDesk | Scheduling Desk | /DMBE/DM_SCHEDULERS_DESK | |
schedulingDeskDescr | Scheduling Desk Description | /DMBE/DM_SCHEDULERS_DESK_DESC | |
evgIdRenewal | Evergreen Renewal Period | /DMBE/DM_EVERGREEN_ID | |
evgRenewalDescr | Evergreen Renewal Period | /DMBE/DM_EVERGREEN_DESCR | |
evgIdCancel | Evergreen Cancellation Period | /DMBE/DM_EVERGREEN_ID | |
evgCancelDescr | Evergreen Cancellation Period | /DMBE/DM_EVERGREEN_DESCR | |
dealType | Deal Type | /DMBE/DM_DEAL_TYPE | |
dealTypeDescr | Deal Type | /DMBE/DM_DEAL_TYPE_DESC | |
buyingCompany | Buying Company I/C | BUKRS | |
buyingCompanyDescr | Company Name | /DMBE/DM_COMPANY_NAME | |
sellingCompany | Selling Company I/C | BUKRS | |
sellingCompanyDescr | Company Name | /DMBE/DM_COMPANY_NAME | |
internalCompany | Internal Company | BUKRS | |
internalCompanyDescr | Company Name | /DMBE/DM_COMPANY_NAME | |
internalContact | Deal Trader | USNAM | |
internalContactDescr | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
responsibleTrader | Responsible Trader | USNAM | |
responsibleTraderDescr | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
provisUuid | General Provision | SYSUUID | |
provisDescr | General Provision | /DMBE/DM_GENERAL_TERMS_DESCR | |
governingLaw | Governing Law | /DMBE/DM_GOVERNING_LAW | |
governingLawDescr | Governing Law | /DMBE/DM_GOVERNING_LAW_DESCR | |
importedRecord | Importer/Exporter of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD | |
importedRecordDescr | Importer/Exporter of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD_DESCR | |
importerOfRecord | Importer of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD | |
importerOfRecordDescr | Importer/Exporter of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD_DESCR | |
exporterOfRecord | Exporter of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD | |
exporterOfRecordDescr | Importer/Exporter of Record | /DMBE/DM_IMPORTED_RECORD_DESCR | |
buyingTrader | Buying Trader | USNAM | |
buyingTraderDescr | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
sellingTrader | Selling Trader | USNAM | |
sellingTraderDescr | Full Name of Person | TEXT80 | |
dealClass | Deal Class | /DMBE/DM_DEALCLASS | |
dealClassDescr | Deal Class Description | /DMBE/DM_DEALCLASSDESCR | |
referenceSmartID | Smart Identifier of Reference Document | /DMBE/DM_SMART_ID | |
referenceUUID | Identifier of Reference Document | SYSUUID | |
dealBlocked | null | | |
baseLocation | Base Location | OIA_BASELO | |
exchangeAgreementNumber | Exchange agreement number | OIA_EXGNUM | |
noticePeriod | Notice Period for Exchange Agreement (with Change Control) | OIA_DURAT | |
creditOptionHeader | Credit Option | /DMBE/DM_CREDIT_OPTION | |
creditOptionHeaderDescr | Credit Option | /DMBE/DM_CREDITCLAUSETEXT | |
paymentTermHeader | Payment Term | ZTERM | |
paymentTermHeaderDescr | Description of Terms of Payment | TEXT50 | |